How can I prevent anaphylaxis?
Avoidance is the keystone of anaphylaxis management. In the case of food-induced reactions, get to know your sources of allergen, alternate names, safe manufacturers and restaurants. Even with scrupulous care, however, reactions may still occur. Be prepared to manage them.
We are thinking of having another child. Is there anything we can do to prevent allergy for this child?
While the studies are not yet conclusive, it is recommended that pregnant and nursing mothers try to avoid potentially offensive allergens, particularly peanuts and nuts, and that they not be introduced to the child before the age of three years. When they are introduced, this should be done cautiously and under an allergist's guidance.
Delay introducing solid foods until your baby is 6 months old and try to breast feed until your baby is at least one year. If you are using formula, check with your doctor to make sure you are using the best one. Avoid cow's milk until your child is one year old.
Last date modified on Friday, December 20, 2002