If you are living with the risk of anaphylaxis, it is sometimes difficult to keep things in perspective. In 2001, Anaphylaxis Canada examined deaths from anaphylaxis in Ontario between 1986-2000 in order to help people answer questions about potential dangers and learn lessons that would help to keep at risk people safe. Try our Food Anaphylaxis True / False Quiz*! Write down True or False for each of the questions below, and find out how much you really know about Anaphylaxis. You may be surprised by some of the answers.
- Food allergy deaths in Ontario are on the rise.
- People rarely die from food-induced anaphylaxis in their own homes.
- Food allergic people are dying in Ontario because of poor food labeling.
- Anaphylaxis deaths in restaurants are usually due to cross-contamination.
- People who experience "mild" reactions to peanuts, tree nuts or shrimp, will probably never have a fatal reaction.
- Most food allergic people who die from anaphylaxis are not carrying epinephrine at the time of death because they are non-compliant.
- There have been severe reactions and even deaths on airlines following exposure to peanut dust or trace peanut protein residue on seats.
- Simply the smell of peanut butter can trigger a severe or even fatal reaction.
- During the study period - 1986 to 2000 - children continued to die from anaphylaxis in Ontario schools and camps.
- The first sign of food allergy is often a fatal allergic reaction.
Click here for the Answers to the Food Anaphylaxis True / False Quiz
*Based on Anaphylaxis Canada's recently completed study: A Study of 32 Food-Induced Anaphylaxis Deaths in Ontario; 1986-2000.
Last date modified on Wednesday, October 8, 2003