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Others Often Don't Understand

Sports Events

I didn't realize how messy and inconsiderate spectators can be with respect to the garbage they generate after consuming peanuts. The shells are scattered everywhere. Last year, it was our first experience with spectators who consumed peanut in close proximity - two rows behind us. It was windy and the peanut shells were scattered too close for comfort. We left our seats and watched the rest of the game from the air-conditioned area where food was served.

Lesson Learned: Be prepared for peanut eating fans at a ballgame and be prepared to move seats or leave early. Safer to sometimes watch a sporting event from home or if you can afford it - a skybox where you can control what food is consumed around you.


Bulk Foods

Papa brought treats for Sebastian, Sour Keys, which we thought would be alright. He reacted soon after (mild) and we could not figure out what he'd be reacting to until he ate another. We asked for the package, and Papa informed us that they had come from bulk food bins from Loblaws.

Lesson Learned: No bulk bin food. Find out the source of the reaction.


Relatives who don't always understand

Sebastian's grandfather, who should have known better, cracked peanuts in shells, watching the ball game the evening before we were to arrive for a weekend visit. Peanuts and shells were on the carpet, where Sebastian would play the next morning. We explained the importance of NOT doing this, but he became defensive. We think he got the message eventually.


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