� |
of unknown causation.
Ig: |
of any of the five classes (IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG or IgM). |
Immediate Hypersensitivity: |
(allergic reaction) that develops without delay. |
Immune: |
by the capacity to distinguish foreign material from self and to react
via the immune response following antigenic challenge (exposure).
Immunity: |
the capacity
to distinguish foreign material from self, and to react via the immune
response. |
Immunization: |
the process
of creating immunity in an individual. |
a protein of
animal origin endowed with specific antibody activity. Immunoglobulins
are found in serum and other body fluids and tissues (saliva, urine,
spinal fluid, and lymph nodes). There are five classes of immunoglobulin
(IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, and IgM). IgE is involved in allergy. |
to absorb or metabolize nutrients (e.g. lactose intolerance). |
Intradermal: |
within skin.
Intramuscular: |
within muscle
(as in an intramuscular injection). |
Intravascular: |
within a blood
vessel. |
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Kilogram: |
1000 grams
in metric weight or the equivalent of 2.2 pounds. |
Kinins: |
a group of
endogenous (produced in the body) peptides (the component part of
proteins) which act on smooth muscle and blood vessels. |
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L |
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Lactalbumen: |
an albumin
(protein) found in milk. |
Lactoprotein: |
a protein
derived from milk. |
Lactose: |
a sugar present
in milk, to which some people may be intolerant due to an enzyme deficiency. |
Larynx: |
the uppermost
part of the airway; it prevents food from entering the lungs and contains
the vocal cords. |
Latex: |
a viscid,
milky juice secreted by some seed plants. It is the source of rubber. |
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Lecithin: |
any of a group
of phospholipids found in animal tissues, particularly nerve, liver,
semen and egg yolk. |
Legume: |
any of a large
family of plants (Leguminosae) which includes peas, beans, lentils,
chickpeas, and peanuts. |
Livetin: |
a protein found
in egg yolk. |
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M |
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Mast cell:
a connective
tissue cell that contains histamine that is released during allergic
reactions. |
Mediator: |
an object
or substance through which an effect is obtained; e.g. histamine is
one mediator of anaphylaxis. |
Medic-Alert�: |
The Canadian
Medic Alert� Foundation
houses a registry of medical information for its members that can
be called upon in an emergency. It provides bracelets and necktags
inscribed with specific information and their phone number. |
Metabolite: |
any substance
produced by metabolism (the transformation by which energy is made
available for the use of an organism). |
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O |
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Oral: |
by mouth. |
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by some means
other than the digestive tract; i.e. intravascular or intramuscular
injection etc. |
Peptide: |
the constituent
part of a protein; each peptide consists of at least two amino acids. |
Priority Allergen
List: |
the list of
allergens recognized by government and food manufacturers to be of
potential concern for anaphylactic consumers. |
Protein: |
any of a complex
group of molecules composed of amino acids. |
Pruritus: |
itching. |
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Q |
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Q.I.D.: |
four times
a day. (Quattuor in Die) |
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R |
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test; a blood test sometimes used to assess allergy. |
RCT: |
controlled trial. |
Controlled Trial: |
a clinical
trial in which participants are assigned randomly to treatment groups.
Ideally it is also double blind and neither the investigator nor the
participants are aware of the nature of the treatment given. |
Relapse: |
return of
disease/symptoms after an apparent cessation. |
Rhinitis: |
of the mucous membranes of the nose; e.g. allergic rhinitis. |
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S |
Sensitization: |
the initial
exposure of an individual to a specific allergen, resulting in an
immune response; further exposure usually induces a stronger response. |
Serum: |
the clear portion
of any animal fluid separated from its solid elements; e.g. the fluid
that separates from clotted blood. |
Shock: |
a condition
of acute peripheral circulatory failure due to derangement of circulatory
control or loss of circulating fluid. It is characterized by hypotension,
coldness of the skin, rapid heart rate (usually), and often anxiety.
Anaphylactic s., the violent onset of symptoms produced on
second exposure to allergenic protein in an anaphylactic individual.
Skin test: |
the application
of a pollen or protein onto a skin abrasion or by intradermal injection
in order to assess allergic sensitivity. |
Steroid: |
a group name
for compounds that contain a specific chemical ring system; included
are a group of hormones produced by the adrenal cortex and synthetically;
they may be administered to reduce the symptoms of an allergic reaction. |
Stridor: |
a harsh, high-pitched
breath sound associated with significant laryngeal obstruction. |
Subcutaneous: |
beneath the
skin. |
Sulfite: |
any salt of
sulfurous acid. Often added to food or medication as a preservative. |
Systemic: |
to or affecting the body as a whole. |
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T |
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T.I.D.: |
three times
a day. (Tris in Die) |
an instrument
used to prevent the flow of blood to or from a distal area by its
application around a limb. It could be as simple as a wide elasticized
band used to slow systemic absorption of toxin following insect sting
to an extremity. |
Trachea: |
the tube descending
from the larynx and branching into the two main bronchi. |
the surgical
creation of an opening into the trachea through the neck. |
Tree Nut: |
a group of
nuts which includes walnuts, cashews, almonds, hazelnuts, etc. Peanuts
are not part of this group. They belong to the legume family. |
Trigger: |
factors that
bring on allergic symptoms, i.e. allergens. |
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U |
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a vascular
reaction of the skin marked by the transient appearance of smooth,
slightly elevated patches (wheals) which are redder or paler than
the surrounding skin and often attended by severe itching. Also called
hives. |
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Vascular: |
to blood vessels or indicative of a rich blood supply. |
of the diameter of vessels, especially arterioles, leading to decreased
blood flow to a part. |
widening (dilation)
of a vessel, especially arterioles, leading to increased blood flow
to a part. |
Venom: |
a toxic substance
normally secreted by a snake, insect or other animal. |
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W |
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Wheal: |
a smooth,
slightly elevated area on the body surface, which is redder or paler
than the surrounding skin; it is often itchy and is the skin manifestation
of allergy. |
Wheeze: |
an abnormal
whistling sound made in breathing, particularly in asthma. |
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