to Other Websites and Addresses of Interest
Please note that a link does not imply official
approval by either the Anaphylaxis Network of Canada or the Anaphylaxis
Foundation of Canada, nor should the information substitute for appropriate
medical consultation. You should review any articles of interest with
your allergist. These links are provided in good faith; we cannot assume
responsibility for their content.
We have structured this section to help you
search the Internet with focus. Choose your topic area and follow the
links from there. For ideas on how to use the links, here
are a few examples.
If you have any trouble with these links,
please contact us.
last updated 18/2/2000
News Articles
Consumer Health Sites
Medical Articles
Medical Groups
University Research Programmes
Specific Allergens/Triggers
Food Manufacturers and Groups
Schools and Child Care
Allergy Related Businesses
Other Anaphylaxis/Allergy Organizations
Foreign Travel
Internet Help
Other Websites of Potential Interest
News Articles/Releases
Yahoo provides excellent access to news items that appear in the lay and
medical press. You can search under "Health: Diseases and Conditions:
Food Allergies or Allergies", for lay articles and, "Medicine", for Medical
links. There is also a lot of useful information on biotechnology
The Sympatico site affords you access to many Canadian and International
Newspapers and Magazines. For most sources, a free search extends over
the previous week only. You can extend the search at a charge. This site
is best if you know of an article that has been published within the week.
Guide to the Internet
This is an excellent American site. It was developed by the P/L/S Consulting
group to provide the latest medical news and information for patients
or friends/parents of patients diagnosed with allergies and allergy-related
disorders. There are two editions; a professional one and a lay one. The
linked site is for the patient guide, but anyone can visit the professional
one. You can also request E-mail
updates of new resources. Here is an example of a recent citation.
top of page
Consumer Health Sites
These sites provide health information for
the lay reader and they are associated with credible medical groups.
Asthma & Immunology Online
American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology A consistent web site
with several short articles, including:
Foundation for Medical Education and Research
The Mayo Clinic Health Oasis is one of the most consistent sites for lay
health information. It is readable, well organized and updated daily.
It has won many major awards. You can also register with the site to receive
e-mail updates of medical news. Here's a sample of some of the articles
you can access.
- Home to Johns Hopkins Health Information
This is another consistent site. The following overviews are well done,
frequently updated and worth looking at.
Health Link Reviews
This site contains some general
articles on allergy, but you won't find much detail. There is a Recipe
Section that includes gluten-free and milk-free items. Allergies
Health Talk is a discussion group that will allow you to make contact
with people who are facing similar difficulties. The Help
Section will give you information about the Internet and is worth
looking at.
An American consumer health site with some helpful articles prepared by
the "Allergy and Asthma Network: Mothers of Asthmatics".
top of page
Medical Articles
If you are interested in checking out the
medical literature, it's available to you. Don't be intimidated. Some
of the health links above are for the lay reader and they are a good place
to start. As you read more about allergy and anaphylaxis, many of the
words and concepts will become second nature to you. Use our glossary
of terms and have a look first at our FAQ's.
If you have terms you would like to see added, or questions answered,
please contact us.
National Library of Medicine
You can access medical articles from the U.S. National Library of Medicine
through Pub Med. Medline searches take a little bit of practice, but are
worth the effort. The more specific you are, the better your search will
be. For example, an entry of "allergy" yields 139,312 articles (!). The
addition of "and peanut" reduces it to 237. Similarly, the yields for
"peanut" (4,232) or "peanut and anaphylaxis" (45) are significantly different.
This site provides a description of "Natural Language Queries" and "Boolean
Logic" (AND, OR, NOT, etc.) which will help you in all of your Internet
searches. To access it, click on Help.
If you find a particularly relevant article,
PubMed also gives you the option to search for similar references. The
search for abstracts is free. If you wish to read the articles, they can
be purchased online or found through a reference library.
The British
Medical Journal
The BMJ has recently published a number of significant articles on anaphylaxis.
They provide clear, concise reviews as well as good references for further
study. When reading them, keep in mind that drug names and manufacturing/labelling
guidelines differ around the world. Also, there are different auto-injectors
available in Europe (in Canada we have only the Epipen�).
Clicking on the following articles will take
you to the complete text. You can also ask to receive regular e-mail updates
on topics of interest. This is a free service.
top of page
Medical Groups
Many of the medical site links contain articles
that are for the lay public.
Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Provides lay information, articles, and interesting links to other medical
organizations�and it's bilingual.
Ontario Medical
This site has some interesting links and contains the full text of:
Pediatric Society
Here you will find position papers on labelling of infant formulae, fatal
reactions to food in children and anaphylaxis in schools and child care
Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI)
Useful information on the diagnosis and treatment of anaphylaxis and an
update on current research. Also contains all the Position
Statements of the AAAAI, including:
Medical Association
Access to articles published in the Journal of the American Medical Association
top of page
University Research Programmes
of Nebraska-Lincoln: Department of Food Science and Technology
Dr Steve L. Taylor is the Professor and Head of this Department. He is
highly regarded and has special research interests in food allergies,
detection of antigens, the antigenicity of genetically engineered foods
and the effects of food processing on food allergens. This is the home
top of page
Specific Allergens/Triggers
(Please see other links as well)
Food: General
Allergens in Foods
An excellent article by Steinman, H.A., reproduced from the Journal
of Allergy & Clinical Immunology 1996; 98(2): 241-250 with a helpful
set of references.
Contains manufacturing/labelling information for egg, milk, soy, wheat,
peanut and fish. Internet Symposium
on Food Allergens
Something to Moo About
An American site with information on milk avoidance, recipes, and
personal interest.
The No Milk Page
Here you will find many resources: links, news, organizations and books.
Allergy-What you Need to Know
An article prepared by the Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Society of
Ontario Peanut
Allergy: Nothing to Sneeze At
A short article with some helpful
suggestions on coping strategies. (Dr. J.W. Yunginger, Mayo Foundation
for Medical Education and Research)
with a peanut allergy
Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research
Safe for Most, Dangerous for Some
An FDA publication.
A small American site with links.�
Insect Sting:
review: ABC of allergies: Venom allergy (BMJ)
A recent review article from the British Medical Journal.
Insect Stings / Tips
on Avoiding Insect Stings
Two articles by the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
Venom Allergies
An article from Johns Hopkins
review: ABC of allergies: Venom allergy
An article from the British Medical Journal
Statement on the Discontinuation of Hymenoptera Venom Immunotherapy:
review: ABC of allergies: Adverse reactions to drugs (BMJ)
Allergies: What Everyone Should Know: Mayo Foundation for Medical
Education and Research
Latex Allergy Association
A small web site with tips, links and a bulletin board.
Latex Allergy Help
An American organization that provides practical information for living
with latex allergy.
Delaware Valley Latex Allergy Support
Network, Inc.
This site contains an excellent, award-winning Latex
Allergy Links section by Nancy Mitchell.
Latex allergies
rising: an article from the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education
and Research.
Allergies : Johns Hopkins
for the Management of Latex Allergies and Safe Latex
Use in Health
Care Facilities : Gordon Sussman MD and Milton Gold, American College
of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
The Physician and SportsMedicine On-Line is an award-winning site of
the American peer-reviewed medical journal of the same name. This is
a good review article on this topic and provides many excellent references.
top of page
Contains several relevant sections:
Canadian Food Inspection Agency:
The Government of Canada has consolidated all federally mandated food
inspection and quarantine services into one federal food inspection agency.
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) began operations in April 1997
and reports to Parliament through the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food.
and Agri-Food Canada
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada is the branch of the federal government
that is responsible for the enforcement of the Canada Agricultural Products
Act, Food and Drugs Act and Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act at all
levels of trade. This Website includes acts and regulations, papers on
the implications of bioengineering of food.
Research Council of Canada
FDA: U.S. Food and Drug Administration:
You can find out about what is being done in the U.S. with food labelling
and biotechnology. Other publications include:
World Health
Organization (WHO)
Food and Agriculture
Department of the United Nations (FAO)
- Biotechnology
and Food Safety
Report of a Joint FAO/WHO Consultation, Rome, Italy, 30 September to
4 October 1996. The Food and Drugs Act and Regulations: Departmental
Consolidation This contains a discussion of the potential allergenicity
of novel foods and excellent references.
top of page
Restaurant Association
This is an American organization, and they may be worth contacting if
you are planning a trip to the USA.
E-mail: [email protected]
Canadian Restaurant & Foodservices Association
316 Bloor St. W.
Toronto, Ontario Canada M5S1W5
Tel: 416/923-1450 FAX: 416/923-1450
Ontario Restaurant Association
121 Richmond St. W. Suite 1201
Toronto, Ontario Canada M6S 2P2
Tel: 416/359-0533 FAX: 416/359-0531
top of page
Food Manufacturers and
800 toll-free Canadian numbers
Sympatico provides a directory of 1 800 toll-free Canadian numbers for
direct contact with manufacturers.
Peanut Council
This site contains information on the history of peanuts and manufacturing
Food Information Council Foundation
A Washington based site that provides "guidelines for communicating emerging
science on nutrition, food safety, and health". Searches for anaphylaxis
lead to some good articles, including one by Dr. H. Sampson. There is
also an American Food Allergy Resource Guide.
top of page
Schools and Child Care
If you are trying to establish an anaphylaxis
policy in your school, you might find the following resources helpful.
in Schools and Child Care Settings
The position paper of the Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
and the AAIA, 1995.
A Handbook for School Boards
A publication of Health Canada and an excellent reference if you are trying
to establish a school/school board policy. A precis and ordering information
are included.
School Boards Association
Contains contact information for Provincial School Boards as well as publications.
top of page
(Canadian Distributors of the Epipen�)
Here you can read about the Epipen�:
Bayer manufactures the Ana-kit�, which contains epinephrine and an antihistamine.
This site contains product information and a photograph.
with Nuts
Denise Lowe offers a range of allergy products. She runs her private operation
from Guelph, Ontario.
you find your Epipen�
cases break inside a fanny pack? Carol Zweig has designed a clever Epipen�
holder which is easy to open, water-proof, buoyant, light-weight, uv-stable
and "indestructable".
Nut Free Chocolates
Mark and Gail Elvidge produce peanut and tree nut free chocolate products.
They began their company after their son was diagnosed with a peanut allergy.
Martha Giannou is an Ontario mother who has designed a clever Epipen �
top of page
Other Anaphylaxis/Allergy
Allergy Network
Connected to the AAIA and the National Advisory committee. This is an
excellent site, developed and mastered by Nancy Wiebe, with good links
as well as useful local information.
Allergy Network
An American organization with helpful tips, newsletters and products.
top of page
Foreign Travel
Federation of Asthma and Allergy
The EFA is a group of 27 organizations representing 14 European countries.
They can receive e-mail through the site and may be worth contacting if
you are thinking about travelling in Europe.
Anaphylaxis Campaign: Britain
This organization is worth contacting if you are planning to travel in
the UK, particularly with regard to safe foods and packaging regulations.
UK Anaphylaxis Campaign: Ireland
PO Box 4373, Dublin 18.
and Allergy Information and Research (AAIR)
"Asthma and Allergy is the name for the Leicester Branch of the Midlands
Asthma and Allergy Information and Research Association (MAARA)� Its medical
advisor is Dr. Martin Stern, Consultant Clinical Immunologist at Leicester
General Hospital and Leicester Royal Infirmary. The objectives of AAIR
�are to further education and research in asthma and allergic diseases,
and it provides support for patients in certain areas." Dr. Stern answers
e-mail queries on line. This is a well-designed Website with lots of useful
information and good links. It would be useful for travellers.
Allergy Society
of South Africa
An interesting site with useful information and good links to international
top of page
Internet Help
Sympatico provide an excellent help section and glossary of terms. Their
15-minute tutorial will have you dancing across the World Wide Web if
not spinning your own.
of Internet Terms
Provided by Health Canada.
Evaluating the Quality
of Internet Information
An article from a recent Anaphylaxis
Network of Canada newsletter.
Tips for improving your search strategies.
top of page
Other Websites of Potential
A fascinating site developed by Dr. Stephen Barrett M.D. In it he voices
his opinion about a number of treatments. An interesting visit�but keep
an open mind.
The Assistant Director of the London Science Museum runs this British
site. His mission is to inform consumers about modern biotechnology. There
is a small glossary of terms, arguments pro and con, a description of
how plants are genetically modified and interesting links.
Living Without
An American glossy magazine with useful articles and references for daily
living. This site provides examples of articles from past issues.
Online Resources for People
with Food Allergies and Intolerances
This site contains a cookbook
for allergy sufferers.
top of page
With so much information
now available through the Internet, it is important to remain critical
and to keep an open mind. This is particularly so for anaphylaxis, where
our reasoning can be coloured by the emotional surcharge of our hopes
and fears. We include this article, which appeared in a recent Newsletter
of the Anaphylaxis Network, for anyone who would like to explore this
Evaluating the Quality of Internet Information
"It's a small world (wide web) after all�"
by Jane Salter
The Internet is growing at a formidable rate.
The information that it contains, however, is of variable quality. While
some sites are true gems, many are mediocre and a few are dangerously
inaccurate. Since there is no external review or regulation of the Internet,
we need to outfit ourselves with tools which will enable us to recognize
these differences in quality and to be our own critics. This is particularly
important when our search is propelled by concern for someone that we
love. It's only natural that hope or fear could weaken our objectivity.
There are several questions that can help
us in our search:
Is the author clearly indicated?
Is the author an expert in this area?
Is it clear what organization is sponsoring the site?
Are the organization's goals clearly stated?
Is the legitimacy of the organization verified by a phone number or postal
Is it clear whether this is a site from the national or local chapter
of the organization and does the site have official approval of the organization?
Are there any biases?
Does the author have a vested interest in your support? (e.g. commercial
or political motivation)
Does the author present different sides? Are the organization's biases
clearly stated?
Is the information accurate?
Are the sources of information clearly referenced?
Is the information consistent with other sources? (especially with evaluated
sources, such as peer-reviewed journals)
Is the site well-written and understandable, with grammar and spelling
correct enough to suggest that care has been taken in preparing the site?
Is the subject well covered?
Is the topic presented/explored in enough depth?
Is the information current?
Is the publication date posted?
Has the site been recently updated?
Is the site well designed?
Is the site user friendly?
Are there useful links to other sites?
Using these criteria, the quality of a Website
can be assessed according to the number of positive responses.
The above suggestions have been pooled from
several sources and a limited bibliography is appended. There aren't any
rules to help us evaluate new information, just critical thinking and
practice. For a more complete discussion of Internet quality and its evaluation
see Hope Tillman's Evaluating Quality on the Net
top of page
Here are a few examples
of how you can use these links:
- Are you looking for an introduction
to the area of allergy and anaphylaxis? There are basic reviews in the
Consumer Health Sites.
- Are you trying to establish a school
policy? There is a section that deals specifically with schools
and school policies.
- Are you trying to plan a trip abroad
and want to find out about your point of destination? There is a section
on foreign travel that includes anaphylaxis organizations abroad.
- Do you want to access the medical
literature and find out how to do a search? Go to the Medical Articles
and you will be guided through.
- Do you want to find out more about the
Internet and how to use it effectively? In the Internet Help
section there are educational links to help you feel more at home with
the Internet and design effective searches. There's also an article
that addresses the question of Internet quality (a Network Publication).
- Are you looking for specific news
articles or topics? There are sections for pure interest: links
to newspapers, current topics (e.g. the biotechnology of food).
- Do you want to find out more about our
government and food labelling practices? There are government
links where you can see the current status of legislation on food labelling
and biotechnology.
top of page